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Next Monday topic will be “Empowering Your 2024: Astrological Insights & Strategic Planning”.

Modern Spiritualists with Firefly and Aeson Knight

Tune into self-care. Watch or Listen to Modern Spiritualists with Aeson Knight and Firefly. for in-depth discussions on what it really looks like to be a modern spiritualist.

Each week Aeson Knight and Firefly seat down share their journey.

About The Hosts

Aeson Knight has been on his joinery for over 20 year talking, learning and guide and now he get the chance to bring those spiritual leader together from around the world to really share with you this stories, knowledge.

Learn More: https://modernspiritual.com/teachers/aeson-knight/
Reach Aeson on Zodiac : bit.ly/aesonZodiac

Fire fly: I have been reading for more years than I can remember and started to read when I was around the age of 16 and I have had a strong intuition since then. I can help you with new life paths or what direction you will go in, I can advise but the empowerment to move forward. I developed my gift more. My own experience with spirit has been mind-blowing and often get visits through the night but at the same time I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Learn More: https://modernspiritual.com/teachers/fire-fly/
TO reach Fire Fly: https://bit.ly/FireFlyZodiac